What is a Life Coach?
A Life Coach is a trusted individual who can guide you through the process of identifying and uncovering what keeps you from reaching your fullest potential. It is a one-on-one relationship that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space to help you create what you want for yourself. A Life Coach helps you strategize and acquire the tools you need to achieve your goals. It consists of breaking down seemingly overwhelming issues to a step by step process to help you identify and reframe your thoughts and attitudes to move you forward. Coaching can redirect negative habits into healthy ones, help you acquire a heightened awareness of self, and take action to achieve your maximum potential!
How is Coaching different from Therapy?
Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because it is not designed to address psychological issues. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of Life Coaching is to help you identify your goals, achieve them, and develop constructive habits and skills. There is little emphasis placed on the past with coaching, but instead the focus is on taking action and creating what you want now and who you want to be!
What types of people have Life Coaches?
People from all walks of life work with coaches; there is no particular individual that is slated to have a coach. Life Coaches work with people in all areas of their life including relationships, career, finance, health and more. Working with a Life Coach is not limited to any type of person, but is best for those who want to take initiative in their own life. People who get a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.
How will Life Coaching help?
The results will vary depending on what brings you to a Life Coach. If you get a Life Coach to help you out professionally, life coaching can help you make your current job more fulfilling, gain better focus on managing your work, and market your self more effectively. If your reasons are personal, you can find a Life Coach to help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors, improve your overall health, or grow spiritually. With life coaching you can live a more balanced and fulfilled life!
What happens in a Life Coaching Session?
Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on your individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, I will give you assignments to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives and celebrate successes.
Do I have to live in the same location as my Life Coach?
No! Life Coaching can happen across the globe if need be. The majority of Life Coaching happens over the phone. Even if you would not consider yourself a “phone person” it is surprising how effective coaching over the phone can be!
You might need a Life Coach if:
- You feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward.
- You’ve lost your vision.
- You need a new direction and want a fresh perspective.
- You’re living with fear of failure and your sense of morale is low.
- You feel like you’ve plateaued in life.
- You’ve lost motivation to work towards a goal.
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