I am so excited to be participating in a Coach-a-Thon organized by the nonprofit Lead for Good as part of their upcoming involvement with Arizona Gives Day. Participating coaches are donating professional coaching services in exchange for a donation to Lead…
My Coffee Date with abeautifuladventure.com
I had the privilege of sitting down with Jen Nelson of A Beautiful Adventure, to share with her about why I am passionate about Life Coaching and why it is that I do what I do! I invite you…
Is Coaching Right For You?
The ideal client for me, as a Life Coach, is the individual who is fully invested in the process, and willing to make a change in order to align their values with how they are living their life. When I…
A Mama’s Experience with Life Coaching
I had the privilege of coaching Mackenzie from the blog Pint Sized Mama, who agreed to three sessions of Life Coaching with Ignite Life Coaching in exchange for her blogging about her experience. She was going through a major transition…
New Video!
I am so excited to share this new video with you that my friend Dave, from Basix Media shot and produced for me! Be sure to share it with your friends and pass on the good word about Ignite! A…
Don’t wait, write it down.
When do you get your best ideas? Is it during that waking period between sleep and being fully awake? Is it during those last moments before you’re falling asleep? I have to be honest, I do some of my…
Accountability….who me?
For some, the word ‘accountability’ makes you squirm in your seat a little bit, perhaps break into a cold sweat for others, and for some, it brings comfort. Accountability comes in many forms and can be both individual or involving…
SMART goals
With the new year comes the opportunity to choose a fresh start, a new beginning, a clearing of the table to start again. Many of you may be familiar with the acronym S.M.A.R.T. as a helpful goalsetting tool. For those…