The ideal client for me, as a Life Coach, is the individual who is fully invested in the process, and willing to make a change in order to align their values with how they are living their life. When I…
Make it Count.
I grew up playing soccer as a little girl. Turns out, I’m a teensy bit extremely competitive, due to the fact that I was the youngest child and had two older brothers to keep up with when it came to…
10 Habits of an Optimist
The following are ten ways to transform your life towards living your life in a more positive way, which in turn will bring you more fulfillment in your life! Read through this list and see how well you’re doing with…
New Video!
I am so excited to share this new video with you that my friend Dave, from Basix Media shot and produced for me! Be sure to share it with your friends and pass on the good word about Ignite! A…
Accountability….who me?
For some, the word ‘accountability’ makes you squirm in your seat a little bit, perhaps break into a cold sweat for others, and for some, it brings comfort. Accountability comes in many forms and can be both individual or involving…
Declutter Your Life.
I don’t know about you, but when my house is in order, I feel like my life is in order. When my house looks like a hurricane just blew through, there is no way I can sit down on the…